Monmouth, New Jersey, is the state’s fifth most populus county with over 640,000 residents and is located in the middle of the Northeast bridge between New York and Boston. The Monmouth County Department of Public Works and Engineering is responsible for maintaining and developing public infrastructure including roads, traffic and fleet management.

The two state-of-the-art TranSim8 Truck Driving Simulators provide Monmouth County with best-in-class, hands-on experiential training for its commercial truck drivers, offering a realistic experience without the risks to people or equipment.
The benefits provided by these new simulators include reduced risk of accidents, improved fuel efficiency and minimizing vehicle wear-and-tear, which will help Monmouth County establish training programs for new hires, safety refreshers and remediation training. Its reconfigurable Glass Dash allows the TranSim8 to replicate different vehicle types giving greater flexibility and extending its range of training capabilities.
Monmouth County now has a total of three driver simulators, with its Police Academy already training new recruits and serving officers in the L3Harris PatrolSim.
Ben Swann, VP and General Manager for Training Systems at L3Harris said: "The TranSim8 will allow Monmouth County’s truck drivers to practice critical decision-making skills and reinforce positive actions alongside situation and spatial awareness in a realistic, risk-free environment.”
Alan Crawford, President of L3Harris’ Commercial Aviation Solutions added: “We look forward to building on the long-standing relationship with Monmouth County as it continues to expand and evolve its training programs.”