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Artemis Missions

To the Moon and Beyond

Artemis is NASA's program to return astronauts to the lunar surface. 

Space Launch System (SLS), which launches the Artemis missions, is the rocket designed for deep-space exploration and human travel beyond Earthā€™s orbit.  L3Harris is the prime contractor for the RS-25 engines and provides critical avionics for the rocketā€™s booster, core and upper stage. 

Orion is the spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space. L3Harris provides propulsion systems used to propel and steer Orion, as well as composite overwrapped pressure vessels for the spacecraftā€™s life support and self-righting flotation system.

We've also been tapped to provide the NASA Orion audio system that will connect astronauts to each other, to mission control and to the world during the Artemis missions ā€“ as the Orion spacecraft carries them from Earth to lunar orbit and back.

Gateway is the lunar space station that will support the NASA-led Artemis missions to return humans to the Moon and serve as foundation for human missions to Mars. L3Harris provides the Advanced Electric Propulsion System thrusters for the power and propulsion element of Gateway.

For six decades, L3Harris has partnered with NASA to develop technology that's been critical to the evolution of human spaceflight. In fact, our technology has been part of every crewed NASA mission: from Project Mercury to Apollo, from the Space Shuttle era to the International Space Station (ISS) era and now beyond ā€“ as part of NASAā€™s Artemis missions.


The Space Launch System (SLS) rockets up the sky

Image Credit: NASA/MSFC

L3Harris provides upper stage avionics. The Upper stage will propel Orion to the Moon.

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L3Harris provides critical booster avionics. The boosters power SLS to launch payloads to the Moon and beyond.

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During the first eight minutes of flight, the L3Harris booster and core avionics are hard at work.

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L3Harris provides critical core stage avionics. The core stage houses the flight computer and the majority of avionics to control flight.

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L3Harris provides the Jettison Motor for Orionā€™s Launch Abort System (LAS).

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L3Harris provides 20 rocket engines aboard the Orion spacecraft that are used to propel and orient the spacecraft throughout each mission.

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L3Harris is NASAā€™s prime contractor for the four RS-25 rocket engines that provide more than two million pounds of combined thrust to propel the rocket during the first eight minutes of flight.

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L3Harris provides the RL10 rocket engine that provides 24,750 pounds of thrust to power the SLSā€™s Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage, as well as a suite of reaction control system thrusters.

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Featured News

RS-25 Propulsion System

Press release | 07. 08. 2024

RS-25 Engines are Ready for Artemis IV

Aerojet Rocketdyne, an L3Harris Technologies company, has completed modernizing the four flight-proven RS-25 engines that will help power NASAā€™s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket on the Artemis IV mission.

RS-25 Propulsion System

Press release | 07. 08. 2024

RS-25 Engines are Ready for Artemis IV

RS-25 Engine test April 3, 2024.

Editorial | 04. 03. 2024

Aerojet Rocketdyne Completes RS-25 Certification Testing for Artemis V and Beyond

L3Harris' NASA Orion audio system will play a mission-critical role in returning astronauts to the lunar surface as part of the Artemis missions.

Editorial | 04. 18. 2023

L3Harris Continues Human Spaceflight Legacy with NASA Orion Audio System

L3Harrisā€™ role on SLS includes system control performance during the lifecycle of the boosters from liftoff to separation. Use of NASA visual information does not imply or constitute NASA endorsement. Image credit: NASA/Steve Seipel

Press release | 04. 18. 2023

L3Harris Awarded Booster Avionics Contract for NASA Artemis Missions

Artemis I launch

Press release | 11. 16. 2022

L3Harrisā€™ Space Avionics Crucial to Successful SLS Artemis I Launch

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