The SLS MWIR Camera Core adds a continuous zoom lens to an Onyx camera and allows the operator to frame the field-of-view to suit surveillance needs. This unit has been designed for easy integration into a variety of applications including electro-optical payloads, weapon sights, hand-held viewers, remote weapon stations and enhanced vision systems and is combined with our patented image enhancement processing software.

Provides a Full Suite of Advanced Features
Analog and digital video outputs offer flexibility and easy fielding - ideal for upgrades of legacy systems or integration into new designs. A long-life B512, integrated split-Stirling cryocooler, is optimized for 24/7 con-ops. Also included are local area contrast enhancement, interpolated electronic zoom up to 4x, electronic pan, automatic scene-based non-uniformity correction, auto-focus, edge enhancement, adaptive temporal noise reduction super resolution and selectable region of interest for AGLC and ALC. The suite also offers dynamic range: up to 8 selectable ranges, image polarity (white or black hot) video freeze, video orientation and muzzle-flash suppression. Electronic image stabilization and turbulence mitigation are available only in the SD version.