Navigation Solutions
At L3Harris, we bring innovation to mission-critical solutions across all domains. Our GPS M-code capabilities address emerging Navigation Warfare (NAVWAR) threats in contested environments. Enhanced acquisition, jamming immunity, spoofing immunity, and security features improve accuracy, availability, and integrity of positioning, navigation, and timing – a critical element to ensure mission success.
The L3Harris navigation solutions portfolio, including TruTrak™ and TruNav™, provide low risk, cost-effective, modernized GPS and enhanced anti-spoof/anti-jam solutions across a range of SWaP-C points. With end to end M&S, test and robust systems engineering capabilities, our proven, trusted solutions enable our customers to achieve cost, schedule and performance goals across the entire lifecycle.
The L3Harris TruTrak™ and TruNav™ family of modernized GPS and anti-jam GPS solutions provide optimal, affordable and easily configurable solutions for weapons systems, ground mobile, UAV/UAS and hand held navigation platforms.

Cost-effective and Easily Configurable
L3Harris' M-code GPS technologies have been independently verified by the U.S. Government and are the FIRST available for integration, test, and fielding.